STEAMing Ahead teachers travel to Portugal for the first LTTA of the project

The Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra (ESEC) hosted in Portugal, between November 22nd and 24th, a meeting of the partners of the European project STEAMing Ahead: Moving the STEAM Approach forward through teacher-led cooperation, which includes higher education institutions, primary schools and science and art centers from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Turkey and the UK.

This project seeks to develop and implement a STEAM approach (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) in the educational process, where art and culture appear as fundamental dimensions to an articulated and interdisciplinary pedagogical practice of the various curricular areas of Basic Education.

The first meetings were held in Maia (Portugal) and Ankara (Turkey) and the third meeting was held at ESEC, with the participation in the Training Cycle «Implementing the STEAM Approach in the School Classroom». for Italian, Turkish and Portuguese Italian, Turkish and Portuguese teachers, where to draw guidelines for a new working new working framework on STEAM.

For three days, a multidisciplinary team of ESEC teachers (Ana Santiago, Catarina Cruz, Dulce Vaz, Fernando Martins, Marco Bento Margarida Torres and Susana Ribeiro) and and ISEC (Nuno Ferreira), coordinated by Professor José Miguel Sacramento, was involved in the formative process, through the dynamization of workshops, other training activities and training and sharing of best practices aimed at teachers of elementary school teachers from the several contexts of origin and cooperating teachers of ESEC. After this week, as planned in this project, teachers will implement innovative strategies in the educational practices of pilot classes which will be monitored ESEC teaching team.

The workshops focused on each of the of the STEAM areas (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), highlighting the sharing of innovative projects innovative projects from educational contexts of Coimbra Schools, developed in articulation with ESEC.